Upside-down, on one leg, standing, with fists clenched, or taking it in turns- discover how different animals sleep in the Sumatran forests.
How many shapes did the Earth go through before everyone agreed it's round? Explore the history of Earth’s geography in this animated film.
Ever imagine a world where drinking water came from icebergs? Georges Mougin and his team are trying to make it real.
The antibiotics designed to save us from bacteria have turned them into our deadliest enemies. Is there a solution to this emerging threat?
Scientists have been searching for life beyond Earth for decades. Have they found something or are they still shooting in the dark?
Humans can be replaced with AI systems, but can AI be taught the complexities of human morals- the simple difference between right & wrong?
In hopes of getting released, inmates of a forensic psychiatric hospital battle not only their own demons, but also how society views them.
In the city of love, get relationship lessons from the parrots, sloths, baboons, and jaguars living in the Paris Zoo.
Experience the pull of the deep, blue ocean as Pascal Bernabe takes you 1000 feet under the sea, in his quest for a world record.
Will the world ever be able to undo the damage caused by the Fukushima nuclear leak if it remains unacknowledged?
A woman can be a brick-loader but not a tuk-tuk driver. Meet the woman who dared to defy traditional gender roles to support her family.
A man is paraded through a city to be beaten and abused in a ritual as cherished as it is despised.
Go on the road with a nomadic theatre troupe, that carries magical stories from ancient China into the modern world.
With themes like post Vietnam war America & Cold War, was the Rocky franchise deeply political? What were the hidden messages in the films?
A British personal trainer who has coached Bollywood stars aspires to be an actor. Can he make it in this highly competitive industry?
What explains Aston Martin's power to seduce men & women of all generations? Is the glamor, the design, the timeless charm?
Perhaps, the last ever chronicle of the many unique species of birds and animals that live in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.
What lies within the world’s largest known cave? Find out in this expedition into the dark world of the Sarawak Chamber.
Meet the men and women who dare to live with tigers, on a safari through the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve in India.
Shark diving- is it about studying & conserving gigantic creatures of the sea? Or just a means to facilitate marine tourism and adventure?
Hardened criminals are made to train wild horses. But will the wild horses succeed in taming them?
Discover how Grand Isle, Louisiana, continues to suffer the repercussions of the worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history.
Two friends become a part of an isolated tribe in the Ecuadorian rainforest in their attempt to build a dugout canoe.
Surreal, otherworldly, fantastic, and yet, right here on Earth. Take a trip to the magical and magnificent Zhangjiajie National Park.
120 km of a frozen river that shape-shifts daily. 150 men who need to cross it to reach their homes. Every year. Follow their journey.
Can urban decay become a haven for homeless wildlife? Ruhr Valley exemplifies how nature can take over man made ruins & make it their own!
Lynx, European otter, common viper, hazel grouse & many other species turn the Bavarian Forest National Park into an enchanted wonderland!
Watch ship sinkers turn floating junkyards on the ocean into habitats for innumerable marine species.
How did Anne Frank’s diary survive the bloodbath of the Second World War to tell a tale that is timeless in its appeal?
A reign that could be threatened but not shaken. Uncover the secrets of the longest serving monarch of our times.
The Oscar-winning chronicle of one man for whom simply climbing the Everest was not challenge enough.
Was Kofi Annan wrongly accused of corruption? Did Republicans try to taint his reputation for his attempts to stop the US' Iraq invasion?
Three American states - Georgia, Alabama, Florida - are fighting a water war. Who will win this battle of America vs America?
An Oscar-winning narrative about a five-year-old girl with a cleft lip, and how she gets a surgery that will change her life.